Divine Life Force (DLF) Therapy Energy Healing

DLF Therapy is a channeled healing modality whose purpose is to connect directly to the source of our own Life Force Energy.

It is a natural process to bring your energy back into balance.

The healer is nothing more than a medium used to conduct the energy exchange

You may feel drained of energy especially if you were quite stressed prior to the healing

DLF has been used for:

Personal Peace and Spiritual Direction

The Devine life force energy is available to everyone; it does not judge or discriminate by race, religion or status

Pain Relief and Accelerated Healing

Extraordinary results are achieved; medical symptoms have improved, been cured or healed faster

Stress Relief and Energy Detoxing

The body’s life force is cleansed whilst the patient are in a meditative state

Emotional and Physiological Healing

DLF can help a patient feel emotionally balanced and return to a state of calm.

Body Alignment

Although there are no physical manipulations carried out in a session, it is automatic and random and can often be facilitated by an involuntary muscle spasm or twitch

For more details or to make a booking contact Lucy via text to Phone: 0408 020 578 

Address: 49 Eversholt Street Belmont Qld 4153

Email: kahunamassagealoha@gmail.com

Website: http://www.kahunamassagealoha.com